
MCT Quick Reference Guide by        Rajan Suri

This handy book is a working reference for QRM practitioners using the MCT metric. MCT is a time-based metric that supports continuous improvements projects, since it quantifies an organizations’s total system-wide waste. Properly used, MCT does not need to be data-intensive and can be relatively easy to apply. Thus, by comparing ‘before’ and ‘after’ values, MCT provides a simple yet powerful metric with which to measure improvement.
Availabilty: in stock
Type: paperback
Language: English


MCT Guide Pratique de référence par Rajan Suri

This handy French translation is a working reference for QRM practitioners using the MCT metric. MCT is a time-based metric that supports continuous improvements projects, since it quantifies an organizations’s total system-wide waste. Properly used, MCT does not need to be data-intensive and can be relatively easy to apply. Thus, by comparing ‘before’ and ‘after’ values, MCT provides a simple yet powerful metric with which to measure improvement.
Availabilty: in stock
Type: paperback
Language: French


It’s About Time: The Competitive Advantage of QRM

In the decade since the publication of Rajan Suri’s landmark book, Quick Response Manufacturing, the innovative principles of QRM have been proven with impressive results at many companies, big and small, in a variety of industries. While the key principles of QRM remain unchanged, after a decade of teaching QRM workshops to senior executives, Suri has developed a clear, concise, and accessible method of presenting QRM strategy using four core concepts.
Presenting new case studies on QRM implementation, It’s About Time: The Competitive Advantage of Quick Response Manufacturing illustrates how QRM can not only reduce lead times but also improve quality, reduce operating costs, and enable companies to gain substantial market share. This practical reference explains how factories in advanced nations can use QRM strategy to compete with manufacturers in low-wage countries. In addition, it provides helpful pointers for QRM implementation, including accounting strategies, novel cost-justification approaches, and a stepwise process for implementation.
Availabilty: in stock
Type: hardcover
Language: English


The Practitioner’s Guide to POLCA by Rajan Suri

POLCA (Paired-cell Overlapping Loops of Cards with Authorization) is a card-based visual control system that manages the flow of jobs through the shop floor: at each operation, it controls which job should be worked on next to meet delivery targets. POLCA ensures that upstream operations use their capacity effectively by working on jobs that are needed downstream, while at the same time preventing excessive work-in-process (WIP) build-ups when bottlenecks appear unexpectedly.
POLCA is particularly suited to companies manufacturing high-mix, low-volume and customized products. Such companies struggle with long lead times, late deliveries, and daily expediting to meet delivery dates. ERP systems are not designed to deal with this highly variable environment, and add-on software such as Finite Capacity Scheduling systems can require complex installation. Also, the Kanban system does not work well with low-volume or custom production. POLCA has delivered impressive results in such environments. It does not require any complex software implementation: it can be used without an ERP system or it can seamlessly complement an existing ERP system.


Availabilty: in stock
Type: hardcover
Language: English



Quick Response Manufacturing: A Companywide Approach to Reducing Lead Times

Developed by the author (Professor Rajan Suri) and now being employed by a number of businesses, Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) is an expansion of time-based competition, aimed at a single target with the goal of reducing lead times. The key difference between QRM and other time-based programs is that QRM covers an entire organization, from the shop floor to the office, to sales and beyond. Providing guidelines for establishing a QRM enterprise, this volume builds upon kaizen, TQM, TPM, and other practice to help organizations streamline all functions of their operation. It shows how to quickly introduce products, along with ways to rethink materials and production management.


Availabilty: in stock
Type: hardcover
Language: English



Faites du Temps votre allié!

Faites du Temps votre allié, Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) est une stratégie globale d’entreprise pour réduire les délais. L’objectif recherché est de concevoir et fabriquer rapidement des produits pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des clients. En appliquant les méthodes QRM, les entreprises ont réduit leurs délais de 80% à 90%. En conséquence, ces entreprises ont non seulement gagné des parts de marché, mais elles ont aussi réduit leur coûts totaux et amélioré leur qualité de façon très significative. Bien que les techniques du Lean Manufacturing puissent être très performantes dans certaines situations, pour les entreprises à faibles volumes avec des produits sur mesure les techniques du Lean ne sont pas adaptées. Quick Response Manufacturing peut être une réponse plus adaptée pour les entreprises qui ciblent des marchés à forte variabilité. Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux dirigeants d’entreprise, directeurs et responsables financiers, industriels (production, logistique, achats, méthodes), commerciaux et ressources humaines.


Availabilty: in stock
Type: paperback
Language: French



Organizaciones ágiles: Responde a las necesidades de tus clientes con equipos implicados y autogestionados (Temáticos)

El sueño de muchos empresarios y directivos es ser ágiles y resolutivos en un mundo competitivo. El sueño de muchos trabajadores es desarrollar sus tareas con satisfacción y buen ambiente. ¿Son anhelos utópicos? “Organizaciones ágiles” demuestra que una empresa puede enfocarse estructuralmente para cuidar a sus clientes, crear suficiente liderazgo y organizarse para ejecutar procesos y proyectos en tiempos récord. En este libro Sergi Mussons, ingeniero especialista en desarrollo de equipos de alta implicación, comparte su fórmula de éxito, que consiste en combinar de forma inteligente las nuevas estructuras organizativas, el liderazgo de soporte, las técnicas de QRM y Agile para conseguir rapidez y calidad en la producción, y el respeto a las personas. El resultado son equipos responsables, que rinden más, y empresas de éxito. ¿Te ves en una empresa ágil? Muchos lo han conseguido, y cada día más.


Availabilty: in stock
Type: paperback
Language: Spanish


Erfolgsfaktor Zeit Quick Response Manufacturing durch Markus Menner

Erwarten Ihre Kunden immer kürzere und kaum realisierbare Lieferzeiten und dabei absolute Liefertreue? Suchen Sie nach neuen Wegen der Differenzierung gegenüber Ihren Mitbewerbern? In diesem Buch erfahren Sie:
– wie Sie durch den Wechsel Ihrer Sichtweise signifikante Verbesserungen von Lieferzeit, Liefertreue und Qualität in Ihrem Unternehmen erreichen.
– wie Sie sich durch Fokussierung auf den Erfolgsfaktor Zeit gegenüber Ihren Mitbewerbern abheben und neue Märkte erschließen können.
“Erfolgsfaktor Zeit” ist die Übersetzung des bekannten Originals “It’s About Time” von Prof. Dr. Rajan Suri, dem Erfinder von QRM.
“Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) ist eine sehr effektive Strategie zur Reduktion der Durchlaufzeiten im ganzen Unternehmen. QRM hat bereits in zahllosen erfolgreichen Projekten weltweit seine hohe praktische Relevanz bewiesen und richtet sich speziell an Unternehmen mit hoher Produktvielfalt, zum Beispiel im Bereich der Einzel- und Kleinserienfertigung.”
Availabilty: in stock
Type: hardcover
Language: German


MCT ein prakischer Leitfaden

Diese Anleitung ist ein Nachschlagewerk zur praktischen Anwendung der MCT-Kennzahl.


Availabilty: in stock
Type: paperback
Language: German